2. Raw Table Editor

RawTablesEditForm - Raw Table Editor

This section was created to allow you to work with the database tables and fields directly.

On this page you can see 2 parts: a List of all tables available at your store on the left, and contents of the Tables selected from this list on the right. Once you've selected a table, it will be shown on the right within 3 tabs.

Data tab displays all data stored in table cells, showing the actual table.

DDL tab displays table's data structure in Data Definition Language (any formal language for describing data or information structures of your Database). A subset of SQL instructions is common.

Fields tab shows a table, structured by fields.

If you select more than one table, content of each will be shown in a separate tab. No matter what tables are selected, there are some general export options available, such as Export to Excel / HTML and Edit-as-HTML option. First two options are typical in Store Manager. As to Edit as HTML option - it is active for the Data tab of the selected table. It opens HTML Editor to edit any text in table cells easier and see its actual view.