7. Locate (Countries and States)

fmCountries, fmCountryEdit, fmStates, fmStateEdit - Countries and States Section

Store Manager for Pinnacle Cart offers you a truly comprehensive tax, location, and currencies solution to meet your business needs.

With the help of Store Manager you can automatically calculate the sales tax for the customer depending on his/her state and location. You can set the rate of tax for each state/zone and also it is possible not to charge any tax if needed.

Also Store Manager for Pinnacle Cart can help you to define multiple currencies if you wish to accept payment in other currencies. You can manage your currencies data if one is listed or others can be added as well.


Countries Page< lists the Countries, their ISO codes and the Address standard used in this country.

To Refresh, Add, Edit, Delete, Export to Excel or HTML use Countries toolbar: or context menu:

You can perform such basic operations as:

    1. Refresh data forces countries list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts like is the latest data displayed.
    1. "Add country" calls blank Edit Country form, which is used to create a new country. "Edit Country" description see below.
    1. To edit country you can double click on it or use edit button. It calls Edit Country form for selected country.
    1. You can delete selected country from your store using appropriate button . Pay attention that you won't be able to undo delete from store option.
    2. Also you can Export data to Excel or HTML.


States page contains the list of all available Countries, and their states.

To Refresh, Add, Edit, Delete, Export to Excel or HTML use States toolbar:

or context menu:

You can perform such basic operations as:

    1. Refresh data forces states and countries list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts like is the latest data displayed.
    1. "Add state" calls blank Edit State form, which is used to create a new state.
    1. To edit state you can double click on it or use edit button. It calls Edit State form for selected state.
    1. You can delete selected state from your store using appropriate button . Pay attention that you won't be able to undo delete from store option.
    2. Also you can Export data to Excel or HTML.