8. Global Attributes

fmGlobalAttributes, fmGlobalAttributesEdit - Global Attributes

You can use this section to assign existing global Attributes with a product, so that it would appear every time you add a product.

To create, edit, delete, or remove global product attributes that will appear every time you add a product you can use Global Attributes toolbar:

or Context menu:

You can perform such basic operations as:

    1. "Refresh data" forces Global attributes list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts like is the latest data displayed.
    1. "Add Global Attribute" calls blank Edit Attribute form, which is used to create a new product attribute.
    1. To Edit Global Attribute you can double click on it or use "Edit product attribute" button. It calls Edit Global Attribute form for selected item. Please see below for options.
      1. Global Product Attributes Settings:
        • Attribute Name: Enter the name for the attribute.
        • Input Caption: Type the text that will define the attribute on the Add Product Page.
        • Default Priority (used for sorting): Select the default priority for the attribute from the drop down menu. You can select this on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is given the highest priority. The attribute with the highest priority will appear first.
        • Is Attribute Active For Products: Select Yes from the drop down menu to activate the attribute on the Add Product Page. If No is selected, the attribute will not appear on the Add Product Page. By default, No is selected from the drop-down menu.
        • Choose an Attribute Type: Select Drop-Down Box or Text Input attribute type from the drop down menu.
        • Attribute Parameters: If you specify radio or select as Attribute Type then enter the following information
        • Options list (value per line): Type the attributes that you want to appear for selection on the product page as drop down menu. Each option should be entered in a new line.
        • Text Input Attribute Parameters: If you select Text Input as Attribute Type, then enter the Text Length under Text Input Attribute Parameters.
    1. You can "Remove Global Attribute" or "Delete Global Attribute" from your store (see helpful hints for more details :). Pay attention that you won't be able to undo delete from store option.