7. Product Attributes Management

fmAttributesEdit, fmQuickOptionsEdit - Product Attributes Management

Product Attributes allow you to define attributes to be applied to specific products, such as color, size, style as well as additional cost if necessary. Ultimate product attribute management allows you to quickly Manage attributes within Pinnacle Cart: add, remove and edit product attributes in a matter of seconds with few mouse clicks. Store Manager also provides you an easy populate feature - using simple clipboard copy/paste, product attributes can be copied to multiple products in few seconds.

You can find exactly the same options to edit Attributes in two places. First is Attributes page in Edit product window (see above). The other is to look in the Product Attributes Section on the main Categories & Products page.

Also you can hide this section if you wish or bring it back out at any time.

Basic Operations (Add, Edit, Delete)

In product attributes section you can find some options similar to Basic product operations (add, edit, delete) which you can perform with the help of Product attributes toolbar to manage Pinnacle Cart product attributes.

You can perform such basic operations as:

    1. "Refresh data" forces attributes list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts like is the latest data displayed.
    1. "Add new product attribute" calls blank Edit Attribute form, which is used to create a new product attribute.
    1. To edit product attribute you can double click on it or use "Edit product attribute" button. It calls Edit Product Attribute form for selected item. Please see below for options.
      • Attribute Name: Type the name of the category.
      • Attribute Caption: Type the text that will define the attribute on the Add Product page.
      • Priority: Use priority to have products listed higher within Pinnacle Cart. You can select this on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is given the highest priority. The higher the number, the higher the product will be listed.
      • Attribute Type: Select the attribute type, that is, Drop-down, or text input from the drop down menu.
      • Options (for Drop-Down): If you select Drop-down as an Attribute Type. Type the options that you want should appear for selection on the product page as drop down menu.
      • Text Length (for Text Input): If you select text input as an attribute type. Enter the text length.
    1. Quick Edit Attribute Options" calls Edit Options form, which is used to create/edit options. Just type the option name from the new line here and press OK to apply changes.
    1. You can "Delete Selected Product Attribute (s)" from your store . Pay attention that you won't be able to undo delete from store option.

Copy and Paste Attributes Using Clipboard

You can Copy all product attributes to clipboard , Copy only one attribute to clipboard and Paste them where you need.

First you have to copy selected product attribute and go to the product you need. When you're pasting the attribute, you're creating a new one. So, you can copy the selected attribute or all attributes from product to the Clipboard and Paste it at any other product page. In case you have multiple stores you can Paste these attributes to any product at your other store (after you change the connection in Tools -> Quick connection switch). Please note that you need to use special icons on Attributes tool-bar.

Now you know about basic operations of Pinnacle Cart product Attributes management.